Confusing post reply order & difficulty searching forums

In the new developer forums, I find the order of post replies to be very confusing. The replies are not threaded or sorted in chronological order, so you can't tell which posts are replies to other posts. Also, the time of the reply is too vague because it doesn't include the date and time of the post.

Also, when searching for posts with keywords, it would really help to have a way to select the sort order (by time, relevance, etc) for the results. Currently, when you search, sometimes you get results that are years old and more likely not to be relevant.


In the new developer forums, I find the order of post replies to be very confusing.

Indeed. DevForums is trying to bubble recommended posts to the top but the result is less than ideal (r. 64576395) especially when combined with the course granularity of the timestamps (r. 64531730).

Also, when searching for posts with keywords, it would really help to have a way to select the sort order (by time, relevance, etc) for the results.

You should definitely file your own bug about that.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ DTS @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

WWDC runs Mon, 22 Jun through to Fri, 26 Jun. During that time all of DTS will be busy with conference duties.
You should definitely file your own bug about that.
I submitted a bug/suggestion (FB*******) for the sort order.

Is there a way to post a feedback/bug report number without it getting edited out with asterisks? (as in my previous post)

Is there a way to post a feedback/bug report number without it getting edited out with asterisks?

This is a known issue that’s being given appropriate priority (r. 64616586). In the meantime, you may be able to get around it by dropping the leading FB.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""