How to drag custom items in SwiftUI on macOS

How can we drag views coupled to an NSItemProvider with a custom typeIdentifier or UTI ?
I know you can use the following methods in conjunction with predefined UTI types (like kUTTypeText etc.):But what if I want to use an itemProvider with a custom UTI?
I tried:
Code Block swift
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
static let type = "com.devian.sampleapp.customstring.dragdroptype"
@State var dropZoneIsHovered = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
.background(dropZoneIsHovered ? Color.gray : nil)
of: [ContentView.type],
isTargeted: $dropZoneIsHovered,
perform: acceptDrop(items:)
func createItem() -> NSItemProvider {
item: "Hello" as NSString,
typeIdentifier: ContentView.type
func acceptDrop(items: [NSItemProvider]) -> Bool {
print("Hurray we received a custom item")
return true

But the dropzone does not accept custom UTI's
I also tried to export the custom UTI using Info.plist:
Code Block xml

But that did not work either. Then I tried to add it as a document type in Info.plist

Code Block xml

Nothing of the above works on macOS. What am I doing wrong?

I made just a couple of changes to the plist to get your sample to work:

For the plist, my new fragment looks like this:


And that's it, your code unmodified works now.

How to drag custom items in SwiftUI on macOS