Increase Airplay audio programmatically - Swift

I wish to know if in somehow it's possible to increase programmatically the volume of the AirPlay speaker connected to my iOS Device. In specific, for increase or decrease programmatically the volume when NOT connected to Bluetooth I'm using the following code: 

Code Block static func setVolume(_ volume: Float) {
let volumeView = MPVolumeView()
let slider = volumeView.subviews.first(where: { $0 is UISlider }) as? UISlider
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: + 0.001) {
slider?.value = volume

But the above code is not working for AirPlay audio's. It's only for device volume. Does anyone have any idea on how to increase the AirPlay audio programmatically ? Thanks 🙏
There's no supported way to change the system volume programmatically. Digging into the MPVolumeView view hierarchy wasn't a reliable way to do this, and (as you've seen) it generally doesn't work now.
Increase Airplay audio programmatically - Swift