SpriteKit - TileDefinition and userData being update for all tiles?

I thought I would create a tile map with the new Tile Map Nodes available in iOS 10.

I have a tile which if you stand on it, it will crumble. So I though I would place a userData field called timer in the tileGroup definition.

func crumbleTile(pos :CGPoint, dt : TimeInterval){
        let column = roomMap.tileColumnIndex(fromPosition: pos)
        let row = roomMap.tileRowIndex(fromPosition: pos)
        let objectTile = roomMap.tileDefinition(atColumn: column  , row: row)
        if var timer = objectTile?.userData?.value(forKey: "timer") as? Double {
            print("tile pos \(column),\(row)")
            print("timer-from tile:\(timer)")
                        timer = timer - dt
            objectTile?.userData?.setValue(timer, forKey: "timer")
            print("timer-update tile:\(timer)")
            if timer < 0.0 {
                //move to next frame
                if var crumbleFrame = objectTile?.userData?.value(forKey: "crumble") as? Int {
                    crumbleFrame = crumbleFrame - 1
                    objectTile?.userData?.setValue(crumbleFrame, forKey: "crumble")
                    if crumbleFrame < 1 {
                        //delete tile
                        print("delete tile")
                        removeTile(pos: pos)
                    } else {
                        //move to next frame
                        print("next frame")
                        if crumbleFrame == 2 {
                            print("change frame 2")
                        if crumbleFrame == 1 {
                            print("change frame 1")
                        if crumbleFrame == 0 {
                            print("change frame 0")
    func removeTile(pos : CGPoint) {
        let column = roomMap.tileColumnIndex(fromPosition: pos)
        let row = roomMap.tileRowIndex(fromPosition: pos)
                 roomMap.setTileGroup(nil, forColumn: column, row: row)

Instead of each tile having it's own timer setting it appear that I am either adjusting a single timer or simultaneously adjust every timer for that tile.

It can be seen in the log file.

tile pos 51,11

timer-from tile:-0.104295339999993

timer-update tile:-0.125737270999991


delete tile

2:crumble floor right

tile pos 52,11

timer-from tile:-0.125737270999991

timer-update tile:-0.164520885999991


delete tile

tile at position 52,11 has the same timer value as 52,11 had ?

So the question is, is there a way to individually access each tiles userData ?

Thanks in Advance.


I have the exact same problem.

I cannot find a way to set a userdata on a single tile. Every tile in the set gets the same data.

Did you find any workaround on this?

userData is set for all tiles using a TileDefinition. "That makes it perfect for general use information such as determining whether or not you should be able to walk on a given type of tile, but is not good for “specific” uses like saying that a grass tile along the edge of a map will hold the exit/target information to another scene to load. If you need something unique, then you should add additional nodes to the scene for that purpose." quoting this from a tutorial I've found online from The Liquid Fire blog.