Beacon Ranging Problem in 10?


Since iOS 10 we have found that the beacon side of our application is failing, namely the DidRange callback is no longer being fired. Looking through the code on my way in this morning, I cannot see anything we have changed in the git blame since around 3 months ago.

I Know with 10 there are a lot more permission keys needed in the info.plist - however from reading the docs I can find nothing relating to beacon's, just location. Furthermore reading the various doc's related to beacon's I cannot see a change in the spec for iOS 10. We had run the application on the 10 Beta's and there was no problem with our beacon component.

I was wondering if anyone else has had any problem's with beacons or knows of a permissions change which affects?
Many Thanks,



We have seen this as well across the board.

We have a beacon related technology that alerts when exiting a region, used for keeping track of things.

The testing seems to be better or worse depending on the device you are connected to.

Listening to audio sometimes will start firing exit region notificaitons.

Specifically audio devices that also employ microphones. Car, earpiece, portable speaker that has speakerphone functions are all worse than devices that just do one-way audio.

It has not gotten any better even with the latest releases 10.2.x

iOS 9 worked perfectly...

Please keep hammering your support tickets begging for a resolution, the more voices, the more they will pay attention.

I have to believe it is tied to airpods and why they are still unreleased...

>tied to airpods and why they are still unreleased...

Buy now...four week ship wait.

I know why they were delayed, too - they lost one...

Do you have the same issues if you use an iPhone as a beacon?

We've found that many iBeacon vendors, like Estimote, don't follow the iBeacon advertisement interval spec, to extend battery life, and that can delay or prevent detection.


We've been seeing the same thing. All works well previous to 10.x. I've found that turning bluetooth off and on seems to allow a beacon to enter and exit once. From then on there seems to be no activity at all.

In reply to ***** - I know some manufacturers dont follow the advertising spec - however we can adjust ours and at the specified interval still no luck! The fact it differs between iPhone 7/7+ and older devices suggests its something in the hardware of the new devices.

In reply to Joshreeder - we have too seen this disruption, especially when you are in a car and make a phone call over a bluetooth car kit. I agree, if anything it has gotten slightly worse in later releases of 10x.

In the last release of iOS they addressed some bluetooth problems:

Improves Bluetooth performance and connectivity with 3rd party accessories

Although this has had no benefit to BLE.

At the moment were hammering the bug report and DTS but keep being told that the problem is "under investigation"!

iOS version 10.2:

The same Model A1533 in CoreLocation didRangeBeacons returns twice fewer beacons when device screen is ON then when the device is OFF. iPhone with other models returns the equal amount of beacons in both cases.


Having a similar issue on iphone 6S with iOS 10.2. Anyone found a solution yet ?


I have the same problem on iOS10.2.


Same issue and same behaviour : if screen is turn ON, the device (iPad Mini 2 with iOS 10.2) stop finding through ranging beacons. If device is locked, iPad detects all beacons next to it.

With iOS 10.2.1 I can't get Ibeacons in background (screen off). With screen on I get a beacons and when I turn off the screen the beacons rssi change to 0 until disapear.

I'm experiencing the same issues. No detection of region entry in background.

This used to work on iOS 9, and has stopped working since upgrading to iOS 10.

Interstingly, I can trigger a region detection by turning screen off and on.

I am using Estimote beacons to test this and have tried increasing the signal frequency and strength but neither has helped.

Any updates on this?

What device?

I have just had my 7+ replaced for a different issue - and it seems to have solved the problem. Beacon left is never being detected - but points my thinking in the direction that its hardware problems in earlier batches.

Thanks for your reply.

Yes - I'm using an early 7+ as well.

What do you mean by beacon left is never being detected? Do you mean that the didExitRegion is not being called?

Yes, we're experiencing degraded beacon responses since 10. (we're using Estimote Secure beacons).

App stops responding after some time, CLLocation callbacks aren't occuring.

Apple - everything worked well under 9, not so since 10.

It's been six months since people have reported this issue with iOS10.

Has anyone heard from Apple if this is something they are/will address?

UPDATE: March 20th 2017

Just updated iOS to 10.3 beta and the response to iBeacon appears back to normal.