What does error message 'similar detritus not allowed' mean?

In Xcode 8.0 I am encountering a new error mesage whghn building an app that has been ok through previous versions of Xcode

/Users/myname/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/..........j/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyAppi.app: resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed

Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

What is this "detritus"? I don't know where to find it, how to get rid of it, or why it is suddenly a problem for Xcode

graphics apps, (like photoshop in old versions) write additional info (we now call it metadata..) in an old fashion in external files, or they came frm older OSX, files like:

"com.apple.ResourceFork" and "com.apple.FinderInfo".

Xcoe 8 refuses to add it to a bulld (as You added tp a project with a "git --add ." maybe..)

You can find in terminal recorsively and delete them, but can be tedious.

I wrote a small free utility to delete it.. hope it can help..


Thanks ingconti for this very useful tool. Banged my head against a wall trying to figure this error out when it cropped-up. 😢 No longer cyring in my beer. 🙂


Thank you very much for creating this small app. It helped me a lot! :-)

Worked for me as well, thanks!! Congratulations, Gian Enrico @ingconti and grazie mille!

PS: Curious thing is, my build was working in Xcode 11, and broke on Xcode 12.

Hi, for it's not working, your app crash before the end of the process ... What can I do ? (Tell me if u need more info about it, and about my project configuration)

What does error message 'similar detritus not allowed' mean?