App Installation failed, No code signature found.

Am getting this when trying to run on device. This is the case even though the provisioning profiles for the app and extensions have been set up properly. Also, this occurs even after Xcode reports that its installing the app. Wondering if anyone is running into this issue with XCode 8 beta 6?

Wonder if its related to the app having app extensions and the app extensions needing to be code-signed on iOS 10?

Make sure all provisioning is development, not dist.

Did you ever solve this ?

Did you ever solve this?

I am also receiving this message when trying to run on different devices across different Macs. Simulator is fine, as well as distributing though TestFlight. Just can't install on a connected device.

Provisioning Profiles and certs are all in order. However, the outlier in the app is that it contains an iMessage extension, and it includes frameworks. So I'm wondering if this is somehow related. Copying the frameworks in a build phase and code signing them on copy does not resolve the issue though. I cannot find a workaround, but the lack of duplicate reports generated from a google search tells me that this can't be a widespread issue with iMessage Extensions in general and must be something with my project.

Right click on file in your Application folder and Go to the path : /Applications/

Open file SDKSettings.plist and check value for CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED. If it is set 'NO' then set it 'YES'.

Now relaunch the XCode. If it does not work again, then clear XCode DerivedData folder.

This worked!

For ReactNative based apps, make sure the embedded framework is set to “Embed & Sign”. (check project settings -> general -> frameworks, libraries and embedded content)

If anyone else comes across this I found another reason: in an app in dev I only have references to the icons; I did some disk cleanup, moved them, then got this message the next time I tried to Build/Run.

Go to App Target -> Signing and capabilities -> uncheck and again check on "automatically manage signing" option.

App Installation failed, No code signature found.