I have a couple of questions about NSSharingService, specifically with NSSharingServiceNameComposeEmail:
1) I use [NSSharingService sharingServiceNamed:NSSharingServiceNameComposeMessage], then set the correct parameters and call `performWithItems` on it. This works fine if the Mail app is configured to be the "Default email reader" in Mail.app's Preferences. If I change this to some of the other email clients I have, this doesn't work anymore. I have tried MS Outlook, Airmail and Unibox apps, and this doesn't work in any of them. Is this intentional? Does the sharing service with NSSharingServiceNameComposeMessage only work for Mail.app?
2) If that isn't the case, and other apps can be responsible for composing emails as well, what does an app have to do to handle this? If I want to set myself as an email client app, and let others call ComposeMessage, what API should I implement?
If anyone has an idea on how to do this, would really appreciate the help.