Universal links says "Error no apps with domain entitlements"


I have a problem with implementing Universal Links. My application implemented Universal Links with this documentation. When I try to validate my domain with App Search API Validation Tool it says "Error no apps with domain entitlements

The entitlement data used to verify deep link dual authentication is from the current released version of your app. This data may take 48 hours to update." 48 hours already passed and I got still same warning.

When I try to open a link about my domain, some devices directly opens my application but some devices doesn't. Especially updated app's have problem with opening. Deleting and reinstalling the app solving this problem and new installs just works normal.

Do you have any idea about this problem?


I have the same problem. I just refreshed the apple-app-site-association file, and I can open the links which were already there in the file, but the newly added pattern is not working, it opens in Safari.

Also I get the same error message in the validator.

I'd be really happy for a solution!



Did any one found a solution on this..?

Same here

I was getting the same error it worked for me when I Used my Proper TeamId.

In my case the apple-app-site-assocition file TeamId was wrong. I used my Certificate TeamId which you can see in Xcode/keychain access

You should use your TeamID of the account not your TeamId of your certificate.

To get your TeamID Login to developer account Click on Account > Membership.

But Apple Universal link Validator tool is still giving same error!

I had used other validation tool like https://branch.io/resources/aasa-validator/. this is giving Pass.

So Just check with your app whether its working or not even if you get error in apple validation tool.

Hi! I have the same error....."Error no apps with domain entitlements

The entitlement data used to verify deep link dual authentication is from the current released version of your app. This data may take 48 hours to update."

The TeamID is ok

https://branch.io/resources/aasa-validator/ it's passed.

Associated Domain is applinks:******.page.link (firebase dynamic links)

Do you have any idea about this problem?


Did anyone find a solution? It's ****** that you have to push the app to the store first. How should you test it's working, then?

While developing (i.e. before pushing to app store), you can ignore that error.

The problem that I eventually found was that I did not have debug app entitlements set up.

You'll need two files in the root of your project: AppDebug.entitlements AppRelease.entitlements

Those files need to contain the applinks:yoursite.com entries.

These files are populated when you add the capability in the "Signing & Capabilities" section in XCode. Be sure to fill in what you need to for the "All", "Debug" and "Release" tabs.

Still getting same issue.

Universal links says "Error no apps with domain entitlements"