iTunes Connect "My Apps" not showing

Hello Guys,

I need your help.

I'm trying to publish one app at iTunes Connect. I'm developer partner of one Entity and they add me as "Admin" to they account.

When I access my account and press the distribute button, it appears that I should do it by iTunes Connect, so I go to iTunes Connect page. And it should show me the "My apps" section, but instead only appears me "Apps" when I press that button, and send me to: 😟

Can you guys help me?

Best Regards,




I have the same problem now.

How did you manage to resolve this?

Thank you.


I am seeing this same problem today. My organization is trying to release a beta by the end of the month.

I have the same problem. I created an happ few hours ago and it disappeared.

I have the same problem, anyone resolved this? any solution?

I have the same issue. Someone help us please!

I still have the same problem. I don't see any options besides adding user roles.

  • Logging into app store connect directly takes me to users and access page. Everything works fine there - I am able to add / remove users and assign roles. But there is no dashboard or menu page showing up like in the documentation.

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