iOS 10 - Bluetooth Stops Advertising When Screen is Locked


We have an app that advertises in the background and being able to persistently advertise in the background is a core feature of our app.. We've noticed as of the public iOS 10 beta (could be older) that our app, and seemingly every other advertising app, stops advertising when the phone is locked. Is this intentional, a bug or something that we have to request additional permission from the user to do in iOS 10?

If it is a bug, I am happy to file a radar. I just wanted to find some clarification on whether or not this is the case.


Have you received any response or acknowledgement?

Hi Gaultier,

A good many of us have submitted tickets. In fact mine was marked as a duplicate of emimh's ticket. Any chance that we could get any more information on the status of the tickets and if this issue will be corrected before iOS is launched? For many of us, this will break a customer's experience with our applications.


Nothing yet.

Just saw this CNET article and it appears to be related to this thread. Wake up, Apple!!


CNET has an article titled

iOS 10 bug blamed for handcuffing Kwikset Kevo smart lock

Kwikset, a multi million dollar company, appears to have a bluetooth smart lock and it might be related to this thread. Hope this helps bring some attention to our issue.


I've just tested and retested.. figured out that was the Bluetooth Diagnostic Profiler that caused this issue, at least for me. I just uninstalled it and now the app keeps advertising even when it's on background.


Since iOS 10, the Bluetooth Diagnostic Profile is not needed anymore (according to this doc here). In our case, even resetting the phones to factory defaults did not help.

Can you elaborate what exactly you did to make advertising in background work?

in the Info.plist file, include an Item under Required background modes with value App shares data using CoreBluetooth.

BUT the issue persists if you lock your iPhone. And it's specific for iOS 10

Hey, do you think you could reach out to me. My email is stevejabs at gmail. I'd really appreciate it. Would like to discuss what you guys have seen and what your setup is.

We have the same issue, out car security system uses phone in bluetooth-peripheral mode as an additional authorisation key.

During the first day of the official iOS10 release we received handreds of complaint from our users - they can't start engine of their cars!

Hey Dezmond,

Do you think you could reach out to me. My email is stevejabs at gmail. I'd really appreciate it. Would like to discuss what you guys have seen and what your setup is and trade notes.

Stephen correct me if I'm wrong, but the article says you're working closely with Apple to resolve this issue, do you have any other progress with them apart from filing the bug report?

May I ask - could I see the status of the issue 28208080, that was filed bu you? If so, could you provide me a link?


Dear Stephen,

did you recieve any confirmation is this is a bug or not? I would lile to say - for me would be very important to get know the following:

- is this an issue?

- or it's new "feature"?
