Xcode source editor scrolling speed

Heylo all,

I've noticed an "issue" of sorts with scrolling through code that's really throwing me off. I don't think it was doing this before, but maybe I just never noticed? I'm not sure.

The scrolling speed with the trackpad changes depending on how much scrollable content there is. That is to say, if the window only shows say 40% of the total file, scrolling speed feels like it does everywhere else in the OS. When it covers 80% or 90%, it slows way down so the same amount of physical scrolling translates to moving up or down fewer lines at a time. This change even happens live: if I open a source file in a separate window and shrink the window size, scrolling speeds up; expand it to be the full height of the monitor and it slows down again. (It's literally a difference of 3 lines vs 15 lines)

It doesn't do this with a regular mouse wheel; just touch surfaces. I tried restarting, different projects, new projects, playing with the system scroll speed settings in accessibility, turning inertia off...nothing changes it.

Has anyone else actively noticed this? Is there a setting to change or a "fix" for it?

I have the same problem since last reboot. Other applications are fine.

Macbook Air, OS X 10.11.5, Xcode 7.3.1

I just installed the release build of Xcode 9 and running into this with my logitech scroll wheel mouse. It's driving me absolutely crazy. I filed a bug against it. #34559413

Apple please fix this!! It makes me want to switch back to Xcode 8 (If I could).

(I should note that scrolling in every other app works fine).

Ok - Here's an interesting discovery. It only scrolls very slow when I'm in the source differences view (which I do a lot)

Xcode 14 in 2023 - mad scrolling still happening. Apple don't seem to care about their developers.

xcode 15 2023 same.. was working well and since few days, very slow scroll..

Xcode source editor scrolling speed