It seems that my app contains obfuscated code designed to subvert app store review. 😕
The problem is I don't know what they are talking about.
They won't tell me anything.
Does someone know how to proceed from here ?
I did try to use a private api (😊) using NSSelectorFromString but I have removed the code two revisions ago,
is it possible that they are analyzing a wrong version of the app ? I am not even sure that they have detected this particular piece of code.
In the last revision, I 've made sure to clean before building (but I did not remove derived data).
Should I resubmit, after having delete any cache, Is it possible they send intermediary files to ITC in order to help finding obfuscated code.
Well, I don't care about the process, I just want my app to be accepted so that my customer get critical bug fixes.
Turns out, there was obfuscated code in a third party binary library.
The names of some classes & methods were mangled.
In order to obtain the name of classes & methods, I had to go to iTunes contact, use the "reject clarification" form and then ask for "technical investigation".