appledoc is required for building ResearchKit's documentation.

I've run into this problem before but can't resolve this time.

I've downloaded researchKit using git clone -b stable

Built it and added it to the ORKCatalog sample. On building that sample I get the error "appledoc is required for building ResearchKit's documentation. See"

Any suggestions? Thanks


ResearchKit is not my field, so I can’t give you a specific pointer, but you might have more luck connecting with ResearchKit experts over in the ResearchKit hierarchy.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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The problem is with the reference to ResearchKit.xcodeproj. So first remove the existing reference to ResearchKit.xcodeproj. Select delete > remove reference. Then move the main ResearchKit folder to your App folder. Then Drag and drop ResearchKit.xcodeproj from the ResearchKit folder into the navigation pane of your app in Xcode, under your main project. Finally Embed ReserachKit.framework into your App; Add ResearchKit under Target > General > Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content