I need to add "Audio to UIBackgroundModes" in the info,plist
In order to do that I need to fulfill all the steps below but my buck stops at step 1 - which is - open your app's Info.plist in Xcode.
I need help only on that step. How do I open my app's Info.plist in Xcode. Is that a physical file like config.xml that I can use a texteditor to edit?
I'm running xCode 7.3
source: https://github.com/mixedinkey-opensource/MIKMIDI/wiki/Adding-Audio-to-UIBackgroundModes
- First, open your app's Info.plist in Xcode.
- Check for a row called "Required Background Modes", or "UIBackgroundModes". If this already exists, skip to step 5.
- Right-click and choose "Add Row"
- For the key, choose "Required Background Modes", or type "UIBackgroundModes" (without the quotes).
- Expand the row, and add an item whose value is "audio" (without the quotes). Alternatively, you can use the dropdown to select "App plays audio or streams audio/video using AirPlay".
- Save Info.plist