Is there a daily binary upload limit in iTunes Connect?

I'm trying to ascertain if there is a daily upload limit in itunes connect and whether any limit is per App ID, Apple Program or Apple Developer.

I'm managing a lot of apps and want to know if I have to release a patch quickly whether I'm going to thit a limit.

I've found this on the fast lane tools site -

But when speaking to Apple Support they say there is no limit that they are aware of "There is no limit to the number of binary upload as we are aware of. However, if you receive an email from reaching a limit then that email would have the best details regarding this."

Does anyone know of a limit or ever received an eamil regarding a limit?

First off, there's no such thing as a quick patch. You upload a new version of your

app which then takes anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks to make it to the


As for daily limits, surely you would not be updating more than a very few apps that

frequently. In fact, it isn't even possible given the review process. So, no, there isn't

any written limit but, given the fact that each update requires review, there is no need

for one.

Thanks for the response. I'm not trying to speed up the review process but I'm currently managing over 2000 apps in the Apple store. If I needed to make a fix, for iOS 10 for example, I would be releasing 2000 updates. If there is a 150 binary limit this would take me over 13 days before I even start the review process.

As you can see this is probably a unique problem that doesn't occur very often but could be crippling if it did.

There are approx. 1000 updates submitted daily, so staging your load might be the polite thing to do. I'd be happy if it only took two weeks.

I don't know of a published limit, leaving Apple to decide based on how many alerts you trigger in the process.

2000 apps? Perhaps you should consider pairing that down somewhat. Surely they aren't all

making money. Barring that, you're going to have to do your updates in small batches as KMT

said. Nothing grabs Apple's attention more than someone flooding the review team with apps

in big chunks.

Considering the time it takes to stage, validate and submit each app, you'd be hard pressed to upload

much more than maybe 15 or 20 at most on any given day. Unless these are very small and simple

apps which would upload much quicker.

Cheers for all of your help guys. I certainly don't want to flood the system and most of the time would be drip feeding them, I'm just making sure to keep customers happy and apps working on time if something occured. We are regularly releasing 40+ app updates per day with little to no problems.

If I find out about any limits I'll post back for people to know.

Shared info if you learn would be handy, thanks and good luck.


Let see my solution for this issue:

Is there a daily binary upload limit in iTunes Connect?