I know this post is old, but I wanted to post a warning about Technical Support Incidents. I found an issue in iOS 11 that I thought might be a bug, or might be me. It had to do with MKMarkerAnnotationView. Even tho I've been developing Apple products since 1987, I didn't want to presume I knew everything, so I sumitted the issue as a Tech Support Incident. Eventually the tech person told me yes, it was a bug and I should submit it as such. I did, gave him the bug number. I requested that this tech support incident not count since I discovered and documented an iOS 11 bug. Nope, can't do that because he said "I spent time on this." Well I did too, and I wasn't paid for my work as the tech was. So not only did I find and report a bug in iOS 11, I was charged a tech support incident for it. That *****. So be careful what you submit.