Does anyone know how to configure Xcode Server to reach GitHub through a proxy?
Our proxy settings are configured under the network settings for the Ethernet port. A desktop session on the server correctly reaches GitHub, but the server times out with the following error in the logs:
Apr 7 18:20:16 buildserver com.apple.dt.Xcode.sourcecontrol.Git[7091]: #DVTSourceControl Notice: Error with libgit operation (git_remote_connect(remote, GIT_DIRECTION_FETCH, &remoteCallbacks))
Method: -[DVTSourceControlGitPlugInPrimary _libgit_headRevisionOfRemoteRepository:andBranches:completionBlock:]
Apr 7 18:20:16 buildserver node[94]: #DVTSourceControl Error: -1 curl error: Failed to connect to github.com port 443: Operation timed out (-1)
Underlying Error: curl error: Failed to connect to github.com port 443: Operation timed out (-1)
Method: __97-[DVTSourceControlManager revisionOfLocation:inRepository:branchAndTagLocations:completionBlock:]_block_invoke_2
It looks like git doesn't use the network proxy settings. Is there a way to manually configure the proxy settings for the git instance used by Xcode Server?