Local push doesn't (yet) support pushing to non-bare repos. (-8)

My GIT workflow for the past 5 years or so has been this:

Repository A - bare, used to create new releases

Repository B - clone of A, working/bugfix repository

Repository C - clone of B, used for new features

Using Xcode 7.2.1, I tried to do a push from Repo C back into B (also creating a new branch), and I got this message:

"Local push doesn't (yet) support pushing to non-bare repos. (-8)"

So this has in fact worked for years. And I was able to drop into Terminal and do a git push without issue.

Is this an Xcode bug? Some new change in Xcode that I don’t know about?

Should be great to have an answer. I have the same problem this morning.

It's really unfortunate.


- Mathieu

Local push doesn't (yet) support pushing to non-bare repos. (-8)