Access HTTPOnly cookies with iOS action extension

I need to send post requests in my iOS action extension, but I need to include HTTPOnly cookies in the request. Is there any way to access them? Using `document.cookie` excludes the HTTPOnly cookies as expected. The requests are always to the same domain as the website so there is no cross domain policy violations. I would send the requests via AJAX, but I need to access data in the extension before and after the request. There's no way to go back and forth between javascript and the extension, correct?

Any suggestions are appreciated!


Hey ,

I am also facing the alike Issue, I need to acess all the cookies of the browser and document.cookies return cookies only of the tab in which I am working, chrome and mozilla provides api's , chrome.cookies provides all the cookies available in browser chrome, also nsIcookieManager provides all cookies of mozilla bowser,but I am stuck with safari.
Is there any API aviablable or is it impossible for javascript to do that.

did you find any solution to it?

It does not appear this is supported: . We have dropped support for Safari because of this.

Maybe we can hope this will be implemented according to the expected standards? Be sure to let them know if you need this feature: