ERROR: Malformed or corrupted AST file

Hi folks,

Everything was finally working fine after upgrading to OS X El Capitan and Xcode 7. Successfully built project 10 days ago and successfully submitted for Test Flight. 10 days later, tried building again and I get an error I have never seen before. It says:

Malformed or corrupted AST file: 'Unable to load module "/Users/Josh/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache/3BF9TJV4GN04R/Darwin-38I6DLZ5IH61J.pcm": module file out of date'

I made sure to go back to a project which successfully built 10 days ago. But it gives exactly the same errors (same error 4 times).

What is going on? I am using OS X 10.11.1 and Xcode 7.1.1. Help!

Thanks as always,

-- Josh

Answered by Gargoyle in 87808022

Do Shift-Alt-Command-K and that will clean out your DerivedData folder so you can build fresh.

Accepted Answer

Do Shift-Alt-Command-K and that will clean out your DerivedData folder so you can build fresh.

ERROR: Malformed or corrupted AST file