I wrote some codes similar to these:
func printType<T: Any>(one: T.Type) {
func printType2<T: Any>(one: T.Type, name: String){
then I can invoke the first function with or without .self.
printType(Set<Int>) // ok
printType(Set<Int>.self) // ok
but I can not invoke the second one without .self
printType2(Set<Int>.self, name: "name") // ok
printType2(Set<Int>, name: "name") // can not compile
I'm using Xcode Version 7.1 (7B91b)
This is a famous undocumented feature of Swift, since 1.0 (or former betas, which I cannot confirm).
When calling a method or function with single type argument, you can omit .self .
I guess this feature is included into Swift to make sizeof-like functions neat, but not sure.