Will this be your last SpriteKit project?

The project I'm currently working on will be my last SpriteKit project. With about 14k lines of code I can't afford to switch to another library so I'm stuck for now. I'll never make the same mistake again and rely on this framework though.

I had also started sketching out other projects with SpriteKit but will abandon all of them and rebuild with other tools.

With all the problems SpriteKit has in iOS 9 and Apple's lack of communication about the issue, have you decided to abandon the framework as well?

My gut feeling is that Unreal Engine 4 and the hardware of iOS will be a performant, enjoyable combination for even 2D games before Unity is.

Yes, it will be. I can say in 2020 there are still too many bugs to consider this a usable game framework. Shot myself in the foot and all I can see is how greener the grass is on Unity's side
Correcting my previous reply, it's really not that buggy. But the lack of large community backing makes it pretty difficult to find out what's wrong when you're stuck. But the library does provide a nice way to make games in Swift.

I can recommend Godot Engine - it is lightweight (75 mb), free and allow to create cross-platform games. Give it a try! :)

Will this be your last SpriteKit project?