Unable to validate your application


I just started getting this error this morning, when trying to upload using xcode. I uploaded eariler this week with no problem. I'm using Xcode 6.4. The full error is

Unable to validate your application

The application you have selected does not exist.

Is anyone else seeing this?


We have the exact same issue ("Unable to validate your application. The application you have selected does not exist.". ) since 3 days ago , we need to show some progress to our customers but not possible.

Does anybody had heard about Apple Developer Team doing something to solve this issue?

Is there any other post with more info about the resolution of this issue?

I have been able to submit a new iOS application to iTunes Connect with Application Loader. But I have not been even able to export a Mac OS X software update for MAS disstribution with Xcode.

Apple, Inc. really *****. Their system often gets bugs. There was ScreenshotGate a few months ago where we were not able to remove or swap screenshots. They spent about a week to fix it. There were many instances in the past when we were not able to submit a binary to iTunes Connect. Software development costs labor and other resources. If we cannot even submit applications to iTunes Connect, we want earn a penny. Yet, we still have to pay an annual due for using iTunes Connect. It will be nice if Apple, Inc. will give us food stamps or something so that I won't starve to death when I am not able to send files to iTunes Connect due to their bugs.

A week ago, upload, now does not work, writes an error

Archive submission failed due to the

Unable to validate your application

The application you have selected not exit

Please tell me what happened and how to solve this problem?

My system Xcode 6.2

OSX 10.9.5

Could downloaded through Application Loader, but then failed to test the application through TestFlight. Now nemogut test applications through TestFlight, on iPads for a long time I can not test for TesFlight how to update it. But it could be tested through TestFlight, now that I have decided to happiness. 😟

I have the same problem.(Validate works just just fine.)

A week ago, upload, now does not work, writes an error

Archive submission failed due to the

Unable to validate your application

The application you have selected not exit

Please tell me what happened and how to solve this problem?

My system Xcode 6.1

OSX 10.10.1

Facing the same issue. Xcode 6.4

Same issue here. When submitting using XCode 6.4 I get:

"Unable to validate your application.

The application you have selected does not exist."

Having the very same issue, I was able to submit through application loader only to have a problem with internal testin (operation_failed). All the builds I submit through xcode 7.0 and above end up processing for an eternity. I'm getting really tired of this.

Same issue here with Xcode 6.4. This seems to be an temproary Apple problem affecting lots of people. Why doesnt Apple say anything?

Having the same issue. Needs to get fixed ASAP Apple.

It magically worked for me using Application Loader 3.1. It doesn't work with Application Loader 3.2 or via organizer (XCode 6.4)

...and now the package seem to be stuck in processing at iTunes Connect.

I have a jenkins job to validate and upload builds to iTunesConnect (it is calling altool, the command line component of Application Loader) and I found when using altool from the xcode 6.4 install that it would fail with the error about the app not existing, which is untrue. I've been able to use it many, many times previously without issue.

I ran a quick test yesterday and found if I used the version of altool that is part of the Xcode 7.1 (final, downloaded via App Store) package that it would not generate this error and it would validate and upload the binary.

Thus a workaround would be to try using Application Loader / altool from Xcode 7.1.

Note: I did not build the app with xcode 7.1, I took an .ipa file built with Xcode 6.4, and simply used altool from xcode 7.1 to upload it.

I hope this might help.

Has anyone tried a build/upload with 7.2 beta?

One cannot upload builds using beta versions of Xcode.

I too got the "The application you have selected does not exist." error when trying to upload with Xcode 6.4. I switched to Xcode 7.1 and was able to sucessfully upload my Xcode 6.4 archive.