Command line warnings with opendiff

I've scoured the web for this but I can't find an answer.

When I run opendiff I get the following warnings

2015-10-17 17:08:01.454 FileMerge[15505:1649867] Failed to connect (delegate) outlet from (DiffController) to (DiffController): missing setter or instance variable

2015-10-17 17:08:01.454 FileMerge[15505:1649867] Failed to connect (mainPrefPane) outlet from (DiffController) to (NSBox): missing setter or instance variable

and a zillion warnings similar to the following:

objc[15505]: Class XCBuildIssueOccurrenceSubStepAdapter is implemented in both /Applications/ and /Applications/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined

opendiff still works as expected but these warnings fill up my terminal window and are extremely annoying -- especially the latter ones.

Do others see these? Does anyone know how I can make them disappear?

I tried deleting Xcode and re-installing from the App Store but no luck.



Did you ever find a solution to this?
Command line warnings with opendiff