I made a very small 4gb web application game wrapped with Cordova. What's annoying me is that everytime I lose the game or even just launch the application after quitting it is that it increases in size by about 0.15mb. Under settings>general>storage>manage storage, I see that it's all "Documents & Data."
Is there any way to view what is in this folder? Because I'm not sure what's causing it; my best guess is that is either me pushing a score to an array in the web application's localStorage or the Cordova AdMob Pro plugin that I'm using because I prepare an interstitial ad after every time you lose in the game.
Is there any way to view what is in this folder?
Yes. To do this:
in Xcode, choose Window > Devices
select your device on the left
select your app from the Installed Apps list
use the gear menu to either browse your app’s container (Show Container) or download it to your Mac (Download Container) for offline analysis
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Quinn "The Eskimo!"
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