Universal links with different team ID and app ID prefix

We've run into an issue with our app that's released to the app store. We have enabled universal links and on the internal builds all of them worked just fine; the app that is released however isn't offered from Safari.

The apple-app-site-association file is here: https://www.dailymotion.com/apple-app-site-association and validates fine. I also checked the device logs after installation/running the app and no errors related to this file show up.

The reason the title mentions team and app ID prefix is this: In our enterprise certificate both team ID and app ID prefix match and there everything is working fine but in case of the live application, the two are different. I know from here https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1879/_index.html that "The App ID Prefix is sometimes equal to the Team ID, but it isn't always the case." but after also updating the site association file to try both variants with no success, this is the only explanation I have left.

Does anyone have this enabled where the two aren't the same and it is working?

Were you able to solve the issue ? One quick question in development environment what did you put for appid in meta tag ?

<meta property="al:ios:app_store_id" content="myAppID">

At present I added my store app id and opening or tapping link in safari not redirectilng to app. Even smart banner taking to app store.

Did you run into this issue ?

@GopB still no luck. I had filed a radar before posting here but no response there yet. In the meantime we've also contacted Apple to change our bundle identifier to use the team id prefix as outlined here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/technotes/tn2311/_index.html as this seems to be a legacy issue with multiple prefixes.

As for your other question with the meta head tag: The app store ID is correct and as far as I understand this ID and universal links aren't directly related. You will actually see a different "smart banner" when you have the universal links working correctly, it's similar to the itunes one but only shows the application's name and an open button.

Did you get any response from apple regarding the apid prefix change you submitted..?

Hey Celeryman,

have you sorted out this ?

I guess so if we look at the time spent since the post 🙂.

I would have the following question : did you have it sorted by asking Apple a manual change of your app appID to developer account TeamID ?

It seems that I have the same issue for applinks where the app is signed with a missmatch appID / Team ID.

So deeplink does not work ...



We are also facing same issue where our app Id prefix is different than team id. Has anybody found out solution for this?


Aniket Kulkarni

For days universal links did not work for me.

I noticed in Settings -> Developer -> Universal Links -> Diagnostics -> URL that when I entered my link, it validated, but returned an ID different than my team ID. Why, I don't know.

But when I changed the id in .well-known/apple-app-site-association to this id, the links immediately worked.

Universal links with different team ID and app ID prefix