AUAudioUnit issues with V2 plugins


I am currently writing plug-in hosting code for my iOS/OSX app and I am using the new AudioUnit V3 API.

My app is capable of hosting both instruments and effects. I already have implemented this using the V2 API (OSX "classic AU", and iOS IAA) in the past with success. All is written in C++ so I use the Obj-C interface.

I am able to instanciate V2 effects (iOS/OSX) & V3 effects (iOS "FilterDemo") and use them without any issue.

However, some V2 instruments will fail to instanciate (error -3000) on OSX. I cannot test this on iOS 9 since no AU instruments are available to this day.

To instanciate and use an instrument, I do the following.

Note that my effect instanciation/configuration code is similar (I just enable the inputBusses[0] and provide a AURenderPullInputBlock to the renderBlock).

• Instanciate the AudioUnit from its AudioComponentDescription using:

[AUAudioUnit instantiateWithComponentDescription:desc
                                  completionHandler:^ (AUAudioUnit * __nullable audioUnit, NSError * __nullable error
{ // here is the code that will configure the returned AUAudioUnit }

• When the completion handler is called, I setup the the AUAudioUnit:

// Set maximum frames

pAUAudioUnit.maximumFramesToRender = ...;

// check the format from pAUAUdioUnit.outputBusses[0].format; etc. [stripped] 

// Allocate resources
if ([pAVAudioUnit.AUAudioUnit allocateRenderResourcesAndReturnError:&nserr] == NO) {
  // error handling

// Cache the renderBlock property
pInstance->mpRenderBlock = pAudioUnit.AUAudioUnit.renderBlock;

• Then, when I need to render the AudioUnit

err = mpInstance->mpRenderBlock(&f, &mAUTime, frames, 0, mpAUBuffers, nil /*effects would pass the input block here*/);

On iOS, I cannot effect instruments because none are available.

On OSX (10.11 BETA 6), I can instanciate and use AUSampler, AUAudioFilePlayer, but instruments like Kontakt 5 or Massive won't load.

I get this error in the completionHandler after using instantiateWithComponentDescription.

Cannot async instantiate component: The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -3000.)

Also, apparently the

kAudioComponentInstantiation_LoadInProcess / kAudioComponentInstantiation_LoadOutOfProcess

option passed to the

+[AUAudioUnit instantiateWithComponentDescription:...]

has an impact on the result.

So my question is pretty simple: in its current state, is this normal to have these kind of errors while instanciating older, V2 3rd party instrument AudioUnits ?

I remember being able to instanciate V2 instruments with the V3 API using:

+[AVAudioUnit instantiateWithComponentDescription:...]

However, I am not using an AVAudioEngine so it does not make sense to use an AVAudioUnit (which is an AVAudioNode); this also does not work for effects in my case since they are not connected to a graph (ie: no connection error).

Some confirmation on the current state of the V3 implementation on both iOS and OSX would be appreciated.

Thank you !


The -3000 is an invalidComponentID error (MacErrors.h).

According to Core Audio engineering what you're trying to do should work fine. The advice offered was to make sure the componentFlags and componentFlagsMask in the AudioComponentDescription are set to 0.

If this still doesn't work, please file a bug report with your test case we can have a closer look at.


I tried clearing those flags but it does not seem to fix the issue.

I will fill a bug report to the Core Audio team.

Thank you for your help,



I'm working also on a plug-in host and, as you this is old post you've been into this. I'm not able to open third party plug-ins. Any success on this?

AUAudioUnit issues with V2 plugins