I have an app I'm returning to after a several years I'd like to freshen up, but am daunted by the changes since; 2018 WWDC - session 415: behind the scenes of Xcode Build process, points out the many changes just that year.
It's Objective-C only, features several sub-projects both private and GitHub, whose .xcodeproj file I'd had dragged in as the then practice, which my main project has as dependencys; all was good.
But have few but widespread problems:
* IB plugins
* framework headers not getting found
* sub-builds failing - deprecated or now not viable code
* what to do re: BWToolkit which appears stagnant?
The 2nd is odd as they build ok invividually.
So my question is to whether to continue the sub-project route, or try migration to modernize like envelop them as swift packages. This is not all viable as some have assets, but otherwise, what to do? I think the missing header issue is due to naming:i.e. `import "foo.h"` should now be `import <MyFramework/foo.h>`.
But I suspect some moving about is needed intra sub-project - as to path namings, so I was focusing on them first, then tackle the main app.
Some of my subs had already adopted swift packages so I'm leaning that way.
But some not; notably - core-plot and CocoaAsyncSocket I think these two might stay as subs if I can get their header inclusions to work and address my deprecations. And yes I'm aware of the assets restrictions for packages
Anyway, seeking some guidance thanks.