SwiftUI navigation bar items going haywire when swipe back fails

I have a

and then

The flow goes like this: you have a list cell, you tap that which takes you to

When a row is tapped in
it takes you to

When I half swipe back to navigate to previous view the navigation bar go bezerk and overlaps. It happens mainly if I use a navigationBarItem - (button).


TasksView (detailView)
there is a list and some navigation bar modifiers:

ZStack {
  List {
  // code here

.onAppear { UITableView.appearance().separatorStyle = .none }
.onDisappear { UITableView.appearance().separatorStyle = .none }
.navigationBarTitle("\(listItem.name ?? "")", displayMode: .inline)
  Button(action: {self.deleteList()}) {
  Image(systemName: "trash.circle.fill")

Same can be said for

, that when you half swipe on
to get back to
, the same thing happens.

Here is the bug in action

Any idea how to go about fixing this error?

I'm experiencing the same issue. It is semi-random. It would appear to be a a SwiftUI bug as I can reproduce it in a variety of applications, with and without stacks, etc.

Same here. Any Solutions available for this?
It seems that .navigationViewStyle(StackNavigationViewStyle()) fixes the Issue.
But it disables all the nice Sidebar Features on iPad so its also just a temporary workaround.
I had the same issue, so I decided to make a custom nav bar with a view modifier.
But now, I think I found another solution.
If you're using a NavigationLink of SwiftUI, try this:
Code Block Swift
NavigationLink("Link Title", destination: ChildView())
.isDetailLink(false) // << This

SwiftUI navigation bar items going haywire when swipe back fails