Alphabetic array to use in picker

I have an array that i am using in a picker. I would like this array to be alphabetic.

The array is

var item = ["Dog", "Cat", "Ant", "Zoo"]
@State private var selectedItem = 0

The picker is

Picker(selection: $item, label: Text("Item")){
                        ForEach(0 ..< selectedItem.count){
                            //this is the made selection

How would i go about making this alpha, i have tried sort() which didnt work for me. It is however, very possible, that i didnt do it right.

Help is always appreciated.

Kind Regards


Answered by Claude31 in 423627022

If you replace your declaration by

    var item = ["Dog", "Cat", "Ant", "Zoo"].sorted()

That should work.

Accepted Answer

If you replace your declaration by

    var item = ["Dog", "Cat", "Ant", "Zoo"].sorted()

That should work.

If item array is modified later, you could use a computed var to always use the sirted array:

var sortedItems : [String] = {
Alphabetic array to use in picker