Swift DSL ?

I heard about the new swift DSL by the end of this video : https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/402/. I am interested in it as I am doing an application where the user can create a HTML file. But I couldn't find any reference and I don't even know how to implement it in swift. Please help ! Thanks

Accepted Reply

Not sure this ever went very far in the last two years - and now we have SwiftUI, which is itself still a bit green on the vine, so... Suggest you discuss on swift.org. Seen this? https://forums.swift.org/t/function-builders/25167


Not sure this ever went very far in the last two years - and now we have SwiftUI, which is itself still a bit green on the vine, so... Suggest you discuss on swift.org. Seen this? https://forums.swift.org/t/function-builders/25167