We are facing an issue while browsing NTLM authenticating endpoints where our WKWebView does not get the authentication challenge. In the logs we see the following entry:
0x105d9c000 - [pageProxyID=9, webPageID=10, frameID=3, resourceID=87, isMainResource=0, isSynchronous=0]
and the CFNetwork logs failure to lookup the credentials:
default 2020-05-21 20:31:25.812654 +0300 com.apple.WebKit.Networking CFNetwork Diagnostics
[3:16791] 20:31:25.777 { Use Credential: (null)
Loader: { URL: http://internalsire.qa/QG.Portal/PortalService.svc/$metadata } Credential: null } [3:16791]
any suggestions what might be going wrong here. We can see that the 401 is written correctly to the WebKit but it fails later with the above logs.