Odd requests for apple-app-site-association

Recently, I released an update to an app that supports Universal Links. Because the app only supports iOS 11+, I never bothered to put an apple-app-site-association file at the root of my website. Unexpectedly, I'm seeing a bunch of requests for it in my access logs:

"GET /apple-app-site-association HTTP/1.0" 404 117313 "-" "swcd (unknown version) CFNetwork/1125.2 Darwin/19.4.0"

I also see a smaller number of the expected requests:

"GET /.well-known/apple-app-site-association HTTP/1.0" 200 851 "-" "swcd (unknown version) CFNetwork/1121.2.2 Darwin/19.3.0"

The user agent for the root request seems to indicate that it's coming from iOS 13. I thought that starting with iOS 9.3, the system would only request /apple-app-site-association if it didn't find /.well-known/apple-app-site-association. Any idea what's going on here?

Odd requests for apple-app-site-association