I dowloaded simulator 13.3 and I managed to remove its devices from window menu, but Im trying to remove the component from Xcode components but theres no delete option so from wheer I can delete it ?
Kindest Regards
I dowloaded simulator 13.3 and I managed to remove its devices from window menu, but Im trying to remove the component from Xcode components but theres no delete option so from wheer I can delete it ?
Kindest Regards
Otherwise, did you open Preferences and select 'Components' ?
Can't you remove here ? (I'm not sure you should remove components. Why do you want to ?)
yes but its not selected any component that I downloaded I click but nothing get selected
Once simulator was removed, did you restart XCode ?
Why do you want to remove components ?
I restarted Xcode after removing the 13.3 simulators and the 13.3 is still in components, its around 3.6 GB so taking much space
Procedure is:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30939453/how-to-uninstall-downloaded-xcode-simulatorSo, Try this:
Delete simulator refences for xCode:
Delete the particular simulator runtime references (*.simruntime) in the folder: /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes
Delete simulator images from the hard disk:
Delete the particular simulator images (*.dmg) in the folder: ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode/Downloads
The path you mentioned I didnt find I found instead "/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/cashes/dyld/19E287
there i found a folder named "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-13-3." with some trailing number it was around 1.5 GB and i deleted it and left the other 13.4 files un touched. but still the 13.3 simultaor in xcode components exists ?
Hi ,
Did You find the solution ?, i have the same issue after removing xcode its consuming size of 8.99GB in system which i cant remove it , Plz guide me