CBPeripheral.ancsAuthorized not updated


I am using iOS CoreBlluetooth to connect to a device which handles ANCS.

I tried using the ancsAuthorized(Bool) property and the didUpdateANCSAuthorizationFor:cbperipheral delegate method but I have issues with both of them.

The didUpdateANCSAuthorizationFor:cbperipheral delegate method is never called (when I change the switch value in the settings or when I accept the permission popup to activate the notifications on the device).

For the ancsAuthorized(Bool), after multiple tests, I noticed that the value of a peripheral is never updated but if I kill the app, change the value in the settings and then restart the app, then, the value is correct.

Note that if the app is running and I run it again from xCode, the value is not updated either.

I am currently using iO 13.4.1.

Has anybody tried and succeeded with thoses ?
