I'm writing a CryptoTokenKit extension (simular to sample available in CTK documentation).
In this extension I'm trying to use SecKeyCreateSignature or SecKeyCreateDecryptedData using private keys I get using SecItemCopyMatching.
However the crypto operations fail with errors -25308 :
CSSM Exception: -2147415840 CSSMERR_CSP_NO_USER_INTERACTION (errKCInteractionNotAllowed / errSecInteractionNotAllowed / Interaction is not allowed with the Security Server)
The same code runs fine from the host App.
Are there Sec API limitations in CTK ?
I've seen some posts in the forum about application whitelising using provisioning profiles but I don't understand which keys should to be used.
Here is one of the post I refer to : https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/128767
Any help is welcome,
Jerome T
I don’t think this is coming from the CryptoTokenKit side but rather the keychain side. As a general rule we only allow biometrics to present UI from an app context. I’ve worked with other developers who’ve hit this limitation, most notably those doing NetworkExtension providers.
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