Xcode not auto saving when switching files


I'm having issues with XCode 11.4 not auto saving when switching between files. Lets say I add a function in one swift file and try to use it in another, I have to manually save using CMD + S before it picks up the change. I thought XCode was supposed to automatically save changes on the fly?

I have to manually save using CMD + S before it picks up the change.

What do you mean ? Before the new func is visible in other file ?

That's also why, some times, you need to do an option-clean build forlder. Incremental update is does not do all the stuff…

Don't think it's new to 11.4.

Yes that's what I meant. I have to either CMD + S or CMD + B everytime for it to pick up the change. Im new to XCode and coming from IntelliJ which allows auto save on switching file windows. Is there any option like that in XCode?

Xcode is an IDE, not an application like a word processor. Notice the lack of 'undo'?

Xcode not auto saving when switching files