Show open file window before application's main window OS X

Hi, I wanted to show open file app like Xcode, before opening application's main window.

Tried many ways, but didn't find any luck.


I do this by creating a window (I named splashWindow).

It is defined in the MainMenu.xib and holds labels, images, buttons.

It is connected to its IBOutlet in AppDelegate

    @IBOutlet weak fileprivate var splashWindow : NSWindow!

In applicationDidFinishLaunching, I call:


From there, the buttons let me select the file to open.

If a file is selected another way, I hide the window.

Well, it's throwing an error in applicationDidFinishLaunching, on line


WHich error ?

Did you connect the window from IB to its IBOutlet ?

If you have a way to publish a complete project somewhere or give your email for an instant here, so that we can find what you missed.

Sorry Cluade,

Forgot to add error desciption.

I receive following error:

Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while implicitly unwrapping an Optional value

on line


Well, that's probably due to a non connected IBOutlet.

I renew my proposal to find a way to share your demo project.

OK, I figured out why it's not wokring.

I'm not using MainMenu.xib, instead I'm using Main.storyboard

What I want is Show first Splash Window and then Main Window

Plse find demo source at htt ps://

Also note my email address