Hey! Is there any fix for this?
I've been diving in into this case in our repository and I see the following:
- The projects within the workspace that generate a framework that is then linked into the app, generate the coverage as expected.
- The app target which doesn't generate a .framework output only generates coverage report for some variables (no body at all). The variables included are the ones that have some kind of value assigned/computed when creating them.
Here is a screenshots that shows this:
This ViewController has the following implementation:
final class AddCardCountriesViewController: UIViewController, HeaderWithShadowProtocol {
private let viewModel: AddCardViewModel
let keyboardAwareDecorator: KeyboardAwareDecorator
let contentView: UIView
let textFieldView = TextFieldWithIconView(icon: UIImage.searchBarIcon?.mirroredIfNeeded())
let tableView = UITableView(frame: .zero, style: .grouped)
init(viewModel: AddCardViewModel) {
self.viewModel = viewModel
let contentView = UIView()
self.contentView = contentView
self.keyboardAwareDecorator = KeyboardAwareDecorator(
decoratedView: contentView,
dismissKeyboardWhenDecoratedViewIsTapped: false)
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
Also, in the coverage column in xcode we only see the 0 hits on the properties that have some value computed by default (textFieldView and tableView)
Please let me know if I should provide more context around this issue and if there's a fix apart from downgrading to Xcode 11.3.