After creating Localizable.strings I cannot add Base localization. I can add any other language, but Base is simply missing. How to allow Base there?
No Base in Localizable.strings
Did you try creating directly a Base.lproj ?
Is there a Base.lproj in your Project folder (look for it in Finder).
If so,
copy there another Localizable.strings file (the one in en.lproj for instance)
It should then appear in the project folder in XCode; edit it
if not,
Duplicate another lproj folder (should include Localizable.strings and InfoPlist.strings)
Rename it Base.lproj
Edit the files.
There was no Base.lproj folder for Localizable.strings.
I've created one near en.lproj and others (as you said directly), copied Localizable.strings there from en.lproj, reloaded XCode and project.
No success, still have only English and other checkboxes, no Base checkbox.
Maybe I forgot to tell you to drag the Base.lproj folder in XCode.
Thanks, tried just now, but that did not work. I could get Localizable.strings (Base) sub file in the inspector after drag it under the main Localizable.strings as you said. But when I select parent Localizable.strings, it still don't have "Base" chackbox, only languages.
Do you see Base in the Localizable.strings "folder" of XCode on the left ?
When I open the inspector, I effectively do not see Base either (but that never caused me any problem).
One more thing.
Select the project name (very top, blue icon of XCode file browser)
Select the project in PROJECT
Select Info tab.
Do yousee a checkbox at bottom of Localizations
"Use Base internationalizattion"
Is it checked ?
Hi Claude,
- In inspector, I could make the Base visible, so it appeared in the tree under other languages.
- But, that did not add Base checkbox for Localizable.strings, so that Base was just useless. More than that, I could not delete that base from the inspector after adding))) Even after deleting the file, not removable ghost was hanging in the inspector. I could delete it only by editing directly the project.pbxproj file inside .xcodeproj project package with text editor, removed appropriate row there.
- Yes, I've checked Use Base internationalizattion from the beginning and have Base on all xib files and storyboard.
Are you attempting to set base when editing at the Target, or the Project, level?
but i found the solution.
right click from Project.
click the 'New File...'
u will see the drop down the pannel.
4. click to 'Next'
5. u will see the dialog message box.
Save As: InfoPlist
Click to 'Create'
6. u can see 'InfoPlist' file of project navigation.
7. Right click to 'InfoPlist' (u will see popup menu)
8. click to 'Show File Inspector'
9. click to 'Localizq...' of Localization from Inspector.
10. u will see 'Base'. click to Localize.
change file name 'InfoPlist' -> 'InfoPlist.strings' of project navigation.