Why is it so hard to use ManagedObjectContext and deal with propagation?

I created a simple master detail view with coredata. When I try to start filling it in with my needed application code, I find that I can not get coredata to function and insert my entities. The error value is nearly empty and NSError cast doesn't provide any information for what is actually the problem. This is very counter intuitive to debug through. When will this part of the SwingUI system/bridging be fixed? I thought it might actually be possible to finally do a very dynamic app with lots of content changes in the views. But apparently this stuff is still extremely fragile and frustratingly progress proof.

Any hints on what to examine? I've set all the fields. I've tried using .environment(....) in every place I can to try and pass the correct context into the views.

Why is it so hard to use ManagedObjectContext and deal with propagation?