NSUserNotification + Screen Sharing.app vs closed MacBook : 0 - 1?


- MacBook (macOS 10.14.6) closed but running.

- Other Mac (macOS 10.14.6) using Screen Sharing.app to remotely control the MacBook.


NSUserNotification(s) banners are not displayed in the Screen Sharing.app. Yet, they are said to have been delivered and they are listed in the Notifications sidebar.

If the MacBook is opened, then the NSUserNotification(s) are visible on both the real MacBook display and in the Screen Sharing.app window on the other Mac.


Is this a known bug?

I haven't seen an obvious options in the Notifications System Preferences pane that would solve this (Do Not Disturb "When mirroring to TV…" option has no effect).

How can it be "closed but running"? The only way I know to do that is in closed clamshell mode, but then notifications would obviously be displayed. And what is the point of displaying notifications if there is not screen to show them on?

OK, let's call this closed clamshell mode if this is the official name.

In the case I'm describing there is a screen (the Screen Sharing.app window on the other Mac) to show them. Otherwise I wouldn't notice they are not displayed.

I understand your argument but then if we follow your logic, why would there be something displayed in the Screen Sharing.app at all then?

NSUserNotification + Screen Sharing.app vs closed MacBook : 0 - 1?