Hey - First off, apologies if I'm failing to meet any standard or conventions with this post - never used forums much and I'm certainly new to apple dev ones!
So, I'm a final year CompSci student and my thesis involves putting together a fairly simple app. It's my first time developing an app, (first time on a Mac as well but not too worried about that, it'll simple take a bit of getting used to and/or sub optimal use, but that's not why I'm here) and I've been looking at a few guides and tutorials, namely https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09TeUXjzpKs and https://www.appcoda.com/learnswift/build-your-first-app.html.
I tried Apple's own "Getting started" guide (https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/DevelopiOSAppsSwift/BuildABasicUI.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40015214-CH5-SW1 ) but it seems to be even more out of date than the others.
Ultimately, the files aren't as expected - I'm sure this is just a change from version updates, though the appcoda resource is using both xCode 11 and iOS13 (not certain on which swift it is).
Project File changes:
- ViewController.swift
- MainStoryboard (This is the biggie, it seems to be the first port of call in said guides)
+ SceneDelegate.swift (I believe this came from iOS 13 and contains some bits from the old AppDelegate)
+ ContentView.swift (Is this just a rename of ViewController?)
Could someone recommend an up-to-date tutorial/getting started resource or possibly give an overview of the changes I need to keep in mind if using these slightly older ones?
The AppCoda tutorial you linked to is fine. The mistake you made was you didn't choose Storyboard from the User Interface menu when you created the project so you ended up with a SwiftUI project. The AppCoda tutorial does not use SwiftUI, which is why you're running into problems. Create a new project and make sure you choose Storyboard from the User Interface menu. If you don't explicitly choose Storyboard, you'll end up with a SwiftUI project.
Read the article at the following URL for more detailed information about avoiding creating SwifUI projects in Xcode 11: