How to avoid disassembly in the debugger?

I'm using Xcode 11.3 to try to debug a MacOS application. It shows source for the app itself but only shows disassembly when stepping into a library (that I built from source on this machine). Debug > Debug Workflow > Shared Libraries... shows that the debug symbols are present for this library. Debug > Debug Workflow > Always show disassembly is unchecked.

There is a case where it does work. The library I'm using is Ogre3D. If I create a Debug build it creates standard framework folders and if debugging my app using those then I get the disassembly. If I enable the SampleBrowser component in the Ogre build then the build process adds a symlink in each framework to the absolute path of itself inside the framework dir. With this symlink present source level debugging works in Xcode.

What is going on here?

How to avoid disassembly in the debugger?