GKLocalPlayer.FetchSavedGames showing 0 results on just installed first run

My game has several SavedGames and they are retrieved succesfully using FetchSavedGames except when I run the game for first time after install, no exceptions, no errors, just shows 0 saved games.

Once I'm inside the game I call the method again and shows the correct results.

This call is one of the first actions the game algorythm makes, just in case has something to do.

Any idea why this might happen?



EDIT: More people with same problem, no sollutions:


really? nobody?

I have the same issue. 😢

Medidia I dont know if this will solve your problem but theres a small workaround on this. If you do know that there are iCloud files, repeat the call during x seconds whenever you get 0 result.

Has anyone found a fix or work around for this? I am having the same issue.
GKLocalPlayer.FetchSavedGames showing 0 results on just installed first run