Where is the Cocoa Touch Framework template?

In an Xcode workspace, I'm trying to add playground support for custom classes within the project for a playground within the same workspace.

I followed all the steps in this post https://useyourloaf.com/blog/adding-playgrounds-to-xcode-projects/

but I don't see Cocoa Touch Framework in the template list when going to File > New > Target. I thought it should be at the bottm in "Framework & Library"

I tried just adding the one called Framework but when in the playground I "import frameworkName" I get an error about how it can't find the module.

I just tried. I do get a Framework object at the very bottom of the 'Target…' panel (make sure to go to the Framework and Library section).

Works both for iOS and MacOS projects.

Where is the Cocoa Touch Framework template?