I have bought some app on CodeCanyon and the author gave instructions to download here: http://cocos2d-x.org/filedown/CocosForMac-v3.10.dmg , but this one doesn't work for me as I have Catalina OS X , and the new versions of cocos(3.17 and 4.0) come in different form as a zip file which, when extracted results in a bunch of files and folders. With previous OS X the app worked but with a new one, as I don't know how to apply cocos doesn't work. I already contacted developer, but he doesn't want to be helpful so I came to this place to try to find a solution, and somebody will offer a solution. Thx, G
How to use cocos with bought app with Xcode
That "bunch of files and folders" are the sources to build it yourself - check the README. They also have forums, which would probably be a better place to ask your questions.