Custom SwiftUI view with a two-way binding

Hi folks,

I'm struggling to implement a custom view which can take Binding as an argument and implement two-way updates of that value.

So basically I'm implementing my custom slider and want its initializer to look like this:

MySlider(value: <binding)


What I'm struggling with:

1. How do I subscribe to remote updates of the binding value so that I can update the view's state?

2. Is there any nice way to bind a Binding with @State property?


Here's my current implementation so far which is not perfect.

struct MySlider: View {
    @Binding var selection: Float?
    @State private var selectedValue: Float?
    init(selection: Binding) {
         self._selection = selection
         _selectedValue = State(wrappedValue: selection.wrappedValue)
    var body: some View {
        HStack(spacing: 3) {
            ForEach(someValues) { (v) in
                Item(value: v,
                     isSelected: v == self.selection)
                    .onTapGesture {
                        // No idea how to do that other way so I don't have to set it twice
                        self.selection = v
                        self.selectedValue = v
Custom SwiftUI view with a two-way binding