Unknown class X in Interface Builder file.

When I run my project,it crashes quickly,with error message:

"Unknown class _TtC10Soul_Music27CollectionViewSlantedLayout in Interface Builder file."

"Soul_Music" is the name of my project and "CollectionViewSlantedLayout" is a class at my project.

I'm sure that there is no class called "_TtC10Soul_Music27CollectionViewSlantedLayout".

How to address this problem?

Thanks in advance.


This name is an internal name for XCode where you recognize the class name in the middle of other text (this is done in case several libraries use the same names).

Try first to do an option clean build folder.

If not enough, remove the class names CollectionViewSlantedLayout in IB

Do an option clean build folder

reassign the class name

quit and restart XCode.